Safety and Etiquette
Let’s Be Safe Together!
Cycling Safety
FCC promotes Cycling Safety and Group Cycling Etiquette. Please click on the button below to see how you can contribute to the safety and enjoyment of all FCC riders!
Keeping Group Rides Safe and Fun
Riding in a group is the foundation to unlocking your potential as a cyclist. From club rides to racing, learn how you can be a safe and productive member of the peloton.
Other Helpful Safety Tips
Whether you are fixing a puncture, transporting your bike, or cleaning your cassette, removing your back wheel is a foundational skill to learn. Check out this short video about removing your bike’s wheels
Download the Cycling Related Injury Prevention slide show. Slide show presents typical biking related injuries and options for reducing injuries.
Dr Brad Conner Wellspan Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Your annual bicycle maintenance is done, your emergency repair kit is stocked and up to date, tires are inflated to the proper pressure, GPS route loaded, tracking software running, and two bottles of water and energy bars for the ride. Everything is a go for starting out on that ride, but are you really ready for going out on that ride? Checkout this helpful article from Greg Strohmenger, for helpful advice
Like it or not the reality is we share the road with motorists. This means we need to be positive representatives of our sport anytime we hop on the bike. Read this story from Kurt Gipe to learn what this looks from a club member’s recent experience.